Monday, May 24, 2010

Silly Girls UNITE!

We created a new Silly Girls Photography group on Facebook. The other one was a bit like a garden that needed serious weeding and well, I'm not really that good at gardening...

To get the ball rolling we're planning on doing a Silly Girls United photo shoot. Date and theme will be announced later and all groups of Silly Girls will have their photo shoot on the same day and we'll all post the outcome on the Silly Girls Photography page. It doesn't matter if all you have is a little point and shoot camera, be confident. Confidence is key. It doesn't matter if you don't have some super complicated editing software, the intergalactic net is on your side! (free editing awesomeness here) I can extinguish any other excuses you have too. Try me. What this comes down to is if you want to do it or not. If you're confident enough. If it's a hard choice for you to make, trust me, you'll benefit the most. And PS. It's FUN!

Everyone we take pictures of will say something wacky like, "I have a big bum", "I'm not thin enough", "I have a pimple" but you don't see that when you look at the pictures. You're not alone in your insecurities and we're not the only ones who think you're beautiful. Let us show you!

For now we're looking to see who will step up to the plate (is that a baseball reference?) and take on the challenge of being a Silly Girl and spread the word of what we stand for! What do we stand for, you ask!? Take a look at our little mission statement on the sidebar there ---->

It's a fact that once you take part in one of these photo shoots you will become more confident, you'll make new friends, you'll discover something new about yourself. You'll love it! All of that is scientifically proven by the science of Awesome!

Basically it's time to start showing everyone those poses you've been doing in the mirror for the last 20-odd years.


SO! Are you in or are you out? What theme ideas do you have?
Have you taken part in one of our shoots before? Tell us your experience.

Girls interested so far in:
The list is growing up in the top left hand corner, take a look!


LDSRuminations said...

I will step up to your plate (although I'd prefer it was a dinner reference than a baseball one) - Scotland say yeah for silly girls!!

Megan Marie said...

we've got silly, yes we do. we've got silly, how 'bout you?

team oregon

Rachel said...

Totally always wanted to participate when Megan was doing one of these shoots but we were never in the same state.
Honestly, I'm a bit nervous to be putting my lack of skill out there for everyone to see, but I am also so excited that this is now a worldwide phenomenon! You ladies rock harder than anyone...ever.

Ooooo oooo! There's a theme! Rockstar!

Team Colorado is in the house y'all!