Friday, May 28, 2010

How it works...

You have no idea how excited we are to have so many people interested in our Silly Girls United event! Here's some information about what we do, for those of you who have never heard about us until now.

The basic idea is that we will pick a theme for a photo shoot and a day or week to do it within. You'll have to organise what time/day is best with the other girls. If that doesn't work you can create a new group so you can still be a part of it, we really want you to be a part of it.

Girls will gather in groups and dress up to fit the chosen theme. We find that part of the fun is getting ready and prepared for the photo shoot together, we share all our props and make-up to help each girl have a complete look. If there's someone in the group comfortable enough to have their home over run with silly, laughing girls that can be where you meet.

Then we go to our location - sometimes there's an impromptu dance party in the car park before hand to get everyone silly ;) The location is sometimes in the middle of nowhere or closer to home, or AT home. Sometimes there are other people out doing their thing and we're dressed up and laughing and they don't know what's hit them! It's fun for everyone!

Everyone dresses up, including the one with the camera. Not only is this a lesson on being more confident and an opportunity to make new friends but it's a chance to learn a new creative outlet. Photography. Take your camera and join in. If there's someone there with a really nice camera maybe she'll show you how to use it and you can take her picture.

Once the photo shoot is over you can all hang out some more or go your separate ways. The day will have to end eventually, sadly. You'll then have the images on your camera to look through and share with us. This is the part that makes me REALLY excited! I'm so excited to see how the theme is interpreted and what you all wear and how much fun you have.

You can edit your pictures or post them straight from your camera. There are free programs out there that you can play with to add a little zing to your pics. I'll post some links for them later.

Then, I'll create a folder for each group of Silly Girls in our facebook group to add their images to and we'll all look at them and then hopefully you'll have had so much fun you'll want to do it again the next week with even more girls :)

And that is how this is going to work.

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